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    The Kushinagar public school (KPS) Kushinagar is an English Medium School. It is running on the pattern of central board of secondry eduction, New Delhi. It has impreessive building, equipped with modern amenities,electricity....

We aim to create a safe nurturing get challenging environment that is Built on positive relationships , developing the whole student emotionally socially and academically, we pride an appealing and stimulating curriculam that is Flexible and tailored to the needs of each and every student as we strive for high education.

The motto of our school is – "Disciplined education with care", where your child gets – Continuous relationship, Personalization, High Standards and Performance based assessment, Authentic Curriculum, Adaptive pedagogy, Multicultural and anti-teaching, Knowledgeable and skilled teachers, Collaborative planning, Professional development, Family and community connections, Democratic decision making.


Kushinagar Public School (KPS)

Our Objective

     We believe that an education is not only the knowledge but reflecting it also in our daily life we ensure to impart in each student a master of skill of communication, the ability to think clearly logically and independently, understanding and appreciation of Culture. scientific, economic and political ideals and practices. We believe in learning through real experience. So we focus on projects, community survey, real objects rather than books and classroom discussion. We believe to shape our students as an accountable citizen with human dignity.

Features of KPS At A Glance

  • Medium of instruction is English.
  • The weak and slow learners are given individual attention. Periodical evaluation are conducted and remedial action are taken for the needy.
  • A team of highly qualified and experienced teachers is available to take care of every faculty.
  • A high order of discipline is maintained.
  • School buses are available to fetch the students from distance places.
  • Computer classes are compulsory for all student from standard 1st.
  • Expansion of school site is on hand.
  • Personality development camps are regular features for all students